Friday 22 February 2013


Looking through the folders on my computer, I have come across more pictures from the aforementioned photography course that I quite like. These are all long exposure time shots of traffic.

These first three were taken at the junction leading onto Kew Bridge in Brentford.

I'd always loved pictures like these but never thought I'd have the know how to be able to take them. It's actually quite simple.

This third one reminds me of the fire trail left by the Delorian in the Back To The Future movies.

The rest of the photos in this group were taken at Hogarth Roundabout in Chiswick.

OK, so it's more light trails. But they do look cool.

I especially like this last one as it shows the traffic lights with all three lamps lit.

Saturday 12 January 2013

Doja's Palace, Venice.

From the same cruise as the Krka pictures, some shots of the Doja's palace in Venice.

First, the beautiful ceilings and arches.

Now a couple of pictures from the courtyard.

Krka National Park, Croatia.

These pics are from a cruise I went on a few years ago. They are all from the Krka National park in Croatia, a place with more waterfalls per square meter than I think I'll ever find anywhere else. The place is simply beautiful, a photographers dream.

This first pic is from atop a hill overlooking a lake before you get to the waterfalls.

Now pictures of waterfalls. Lots of them.


I took this picture as it relates to my favorite graphic novel, Watchmen. If you want to read my moanings about the terrible film adaptation of said graphic novel have a look at my other blog at . I will be writing a post stating my opinions of the ballsed up ending of the film within the next week. However, there is other stuff on there to read while you wait for that. This picture is of a piece of graffitti I saw near Picadilly Circus a few years ago. It might relate to Alan Moore and Dave Gibbon's masterpiece or it might be to do with the fact that the U.S. had just invaded Iraq. The quality of the photo, as I took it with my phone, is pretty poor, but I've put it on here for it's geek and/or political quality.

Photography course.

My first couple of pics come from a short photography course I took some years back. There are only two pics in this group as they're the only two that I really like from it.

This first pic is of an arch under Kew Bridge.

This next pic shows a bus stop on top of Kew Bridge with the water tower at Brentford Steam Museum clearly visible.

To start with.

I thought I'd start a blog to show some of my photos. The photos on here will be from holidays and my wanderings around London, where I live.